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We aren't recreating the phone, the photo album or the brain in digital forms. We're not enamored by the "good old days" of the pre-digital era either. We're looking forward to the society our children will inherit with hope and dreams of reaching heaven. The mission of the Network Theory Applied Research Institute is to develop the systems, protocols and programs for online global cooperatives.

​​​​​Bee hives and ant hills are collective intellects. Each worker representing a node within a network of shared objectives. The queen is not the leader, but births and maintains the community through labor. Together they form a force that no individual ant can embody. The collective-being that is the colony is an example of what we call "collective intelligence".
Humans have been inter-networking ever since the invention of language. The internet allows humans to signal one another at 186,000 miles per second with complex multimedia, and computation. Even the slowest, most unreliable telecommunications are faster than the service of the best post office. This communicative property of the internet is what attracted our founders to the NTARI idea after they met serving in US Marine Corps communication strategy and operations
NTARI is founded on network theory-- a multidisciplinary framework used to analyze and interpret systems composed of interconnected entities (nodes) and relationships (edges), applicable to diverse fields like social sciences, computer science, and biology ​​