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LSRF Communion

Communion is part of the algorithm that makes Christianity a collective intelligence. LSRF Communions are unstructured events where wine, juice and bread are distributed free. Wine is provided through One Hope Winery and events are held in NTARI's hometown of Louisville, Kentucky, USA

No events at the moment

What is Communion?

Communion is a symbolic ingestion of the body of Jesus of Nazarreth. The implications of the ancient ritual suggest that Jesus, who was ressurected from the dead, is becoming a part of each user and thus the users all share in the spirit or character of Jesus.


Jesus body and blood are "food" and "drink", meaning the users must return again and again, as part of the regular maintenance of their own bodies. Jesus character was blameless, and though no user can obtain the same reputation they can draw from the "nutrition" his body, blood and reputation carry. 

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