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We enjoy reading papers by the Collective Intelligence Project. They seem to be a cohort of well-trained economists and technologists advised by Daron Acemoglu, et. al. We've been inspired by Mr. Acemoglu's work as well, having read a few of his titles:


Our takeaways are always only partial. We're neither economists nor technologists and so we don't always have time to shift the curtains around the jargon of the experts. That said, we also don't admire their craft out of proportion. We tend to study a subject with a methodology allowing us to get to the root of our target and thus take aim to eliminate the problem, even if the solution seems implausible. That is a very indirect description of how we came to the network society movement.

Prescription Pills
Prescription Pills

This morning we reviewed CIP's paper on Supermodularity. What we heard (we often listen to improve our access amidst busy lives) is a lot of what we already talk about. We have never used the term supermodularity and don't plan to start. It's not suitable for the audience we've been trained to reach. The Defense Information School trained us to communicate at an 8th grade reading level for the benefit of average Americans, foreign allies who enjoy the accessibility of our expressions, and enemies who got just enough information to fear what we were talking about. We've studied economics with some depth, but more so finance, numismatics and other subjects. As a result we agree with the observations of these scientists, but not necessarily with their prescription.

When we read a biography of John Maynard Keynes, we were forced to note how money is just a communications mechanism. We later found additional evidence of this phenomenon from our favorite Biblical languages scholars, see the links:

We recalled further evidence we'd read in 2019 from another British economist, Glyn Davies. Such arguments are probably common knowledge among economists, but never have I seen one convincingly propose fundamental alteration to the programming of the currency system. Perhaps, they simply do not see any need.

Human-based computation is a term we metaphor very liberally. It is a term we use interchangeably with collective intelligence. In our mind's, computation can be be replaced with calculation and human-based means individual humans are doing the work as opposed to machines. This seems like an anti-reference to AI (artificial intelligence), but not necessarily. States and other bureaucratic bodies, are machines that predate the industrial revolution. They are "human-driven", but so are AI models. Money is clearly the product of a bureaucratic process involving central banks, treasury departments, mints and massive distribution and monitoring systems. Bitcoin changed money by condensing all that into under 20,000 lines of code.


No cryptocurrency, including Bitcoin has changed the essential valuations bureaucracies make on the users of currency products. Scarcity was necessary when stone age villagers began farming in open communes. It gave hunter-gatherers an opportunity to earn a share of the community's surplus in a fair and just manner, rather than just stealing. But that function is rather antiquated nowadays and often used to marginalize particular ethnicities or groups. In the US, European immigrant populations were forced to earn their keep in this way, while resident Native and African Americans (among others) were and often still are repeatedly prevented from accruing their position in the economic commonwealth-- they were reserved as a source of cheap labor for the ruling racial class.

As their capacity for goods and services have increased, America's ruling class has been forced to economically naturalize (some) resident "aliens", but mostly imported what they saw as the best from around the world in both academics and labor. These valuations shifted the scarcity model's use from keeping out anyone who would seek to unfairly take advantage of the commonwealth to suppressing those the commonwealth viewed as invalid, inviting only those it saw as valuable toward their goals. This is why the United States has programs welcoming highly qualified immigrants and barring unqualified ones with exceptions for special circumstances.

Migrant Workers
Migrant Workers

The US is not alone in the practice of employing the scarcity mechanism of money against undesirables. In The Internationalists: How A Radical Plan to Outlaw War Remade the World, author Oona Hathaway shows us how these actions essentially amount to sanctions. Sanctions were headlines after the 2016 US presidential election was proven to have been influenced by Russian nationals, and again when an attack was launched on Ukraine in 2022. Other sanctions are not front page news, but have the same effect.

Mycelium Fungi

Modern economists don't seem to take any issue with currency having this feature within the tech stack, but having experienced and observed the effects, we do here at Network Theory Applied Research Institute. One of the projects underway in Forge Lab is the Mycelium Settlement System. Modeled after the fungal network that allows plants to communicate and share resources anywhere they reach, Mycelium is a collective intelligence system that elicits value from the consumer-user which in turn allows it to mint currency instantly and without redistribution. Receiving a system prompt for reqest or action requires only that the user has a history of providing value to someone else and therefore has earned Mycillium. We're a long way from completion but the basic ideas are in place (no, we didn't list them all). We just need a few of those high powered technologists to help us program it.

Actually, we recently completed the first module on our own, but we digress. The real reason for this article is to give you access to information that is important to your participation in network society. The concept of mammon is what we want to introduce you to. The Bible talks about it. Jesus himself says, "you cannot serve God and mammon,". The character of mammon is not exactly a god, but it's not exactly without metaphysical form, argument or persuasion. While Mammon as a name or personification is primarily found in Christian scripture, the caution against the worship of wealth is a common theme across many religious traditions.

The Bible Project recently released a short video about this subject, but probably the best depiction of this character (spirit) we've seen comes from Studio Ghibli's Spirited Away in the horrifying character of No Face. If you haven't seen the movie, it is well worth a viewing, but if you don't have time, watch this:

Money and mammon are not evil, but how we use it can be. The Bible also agrees with this:

"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs."

"And Jesus said to them, “Whose likeness and inscription is this?” They said, “Caesar's.” Then he said to them, “Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.” When they heard it, they marveled. And they left him and went away."

Human nature is what economics are all about-- supply, demand, public policy, incentives, externalities, etc. Why they seem to never address the root cause of many of the negative externalities of this technology's employment is beyond me. The folks over at CIP are definitely on the right track to at least realizing a solution. We think we have one here at NTARI already. We're building it and we hope you'll join us in testing it on this journey toward network society.


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We recently made some friends who referred us to an organization called LL Research. They are a nonprofit dedicated to discovering and sharing information to aid in the spiritual evolution of humankind. This intrigued us as much as our description of the Lost Sheep Research Fellowship did our new friends, but upon examination we want to distinguish the mission of the Fellowship.

The Lost Sheep Research Fellowship
The Lost Sheep Research Fellowship

First we want to state we are not entirely new to the examination of world religions, and also we are Christians convinced Jesus is the Son of YHWH, that he was resurrected in a display of the natural cycle of humans (to be resurrected) and that he is the Way, truth and light. We study other religions because we believe the story of the Tower of Babel is fact, and YHWH showed a great deal of wisdom in dividing our languages as he did.

After high school I [Jodson] left home to study in Arizona. I spent weeks researching how different religions expressed their faith. I'd been raised in Southwest Oklahoma with an extremely conservative Christian background. My theology came from infamous preachers like Kenneth Copeland, et. al., so I was actually quite eager to explore other possibilities. What I found was that I couldn't find a narrative as compelling as Jesus for the solution to the sin problem.

Sin is a sticky religious word. So much so, I like to take an atheist perspective to the question of sin. "Who is to say there is anything wrong with the way we behave?" The essence of this question implies the lack of a source for moral standards. Without such a definition, the question muses, we cannot define fact and so are left to our own devices. The argument allows the user to flow through philisophical responses that suit them in the moment and is extremely problematic in establishing patterns of "right" in a society and is frankly unscientific. For example, we know gravity exists, but the graviton particle is absent from view and remains a theory.

Humans are the only real problem humans have in the present day. We have conquered the biosphere and though the geosphere is not fully within our control, we have altered it thoroughly, proving a future is coming where we will direct this planetary feature toward our objectives as well. What hasn't changed much is our ability to control each other. One people or nation hates another and so attempts metaphysical or physical genocide. This happens quite often in macro and micro socioeconomic instances.

US Marines Boarding Ship
US Marines Boarding Ship

To prevent wholesale slaughter we form states which establish laws, raise taxes, armies and secure people within a territory Being mechanical assemblies of people, states can also engage in human violence. Over time, we have learned to engineer states to prevent them from running amok but such programming requires users to be extremely active, leading to constant near brushes with destruction. Daron Acemoglu calls this the Red Queen Effect and likens the dynamic of governments and peoples to a master holding a ferocious beast at the end of a leash. While the beast the government-- offers protection when it can be directed, it also threatens its master-- the people-- and while the struggle can be off-putting to adversaries, a cunning foe might take advantage of it, destroying the nation.

NTARI's goal with the Lost Sheep Research Fellowship is to bridge the syntactic gap caused by the events chronicled in the Gigantomachy, Enmerkar and the King of Aratta and the Tower of Babel. Regardless of cultural norms, the truth is all humans share genetic origins and our global dispersion from that evolutionary emergence resulted in these stories. Our national and ethnic alliances are the result of fearful, prideful and vindictive attitudes born out of the scarcity caused by these same events. To pretend otherwise is to live in willful ignorance of history.

A Ghostly Figure
A Ghostly Figure

We don't stand in opposition to LL Research, we just realize the differences in our approach to reuniting mankind in theological peace. This process is complicated and we are destined to make mistakes along the way, so we humbly submit the following critique. To start, we do not observe the term "spirit" in the same light. Similar to the word "sin" it is sticky. Spirit carries connotations that mislead the hearer and reader. This is something we found disturbing early on and sought to understand through the science of etymology.

The English "spirit" as a noun means:

  1. the nonphysical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character; the soul.

  1. those qualities regarded as forming the definitive or typical elements in the character of a person, nation, or group or in the thought and attitudes of a particular period.

As a verb:

  1. convey rapidly and secretly

These definitions led us to search for synonyms of the word because the ideas surrounding it are so polluted with ghosts, and conjurings beyond our understanding. Faith and belief come through observation, and to believe a sinful human (which is every one of us) conveying unfamiliar information, regardless of personal belief, is not faith but gullibility.

A Magic Trick
A Magic Trick

There is a lot of room surrounding the word spirit for invention and misinformation. Magic is a term used to describe events we do not understand. The magician is one who causes such events and their activity becomes either entertainment or means to manipulate through fear.

A key theme in the Bible is, "Do not fear,". No religion takes this lightly, even the atheist does not openly exercise fear. Humans often use anger as a mask for this emotion, but its root is the undirected adrenaline caused by uncertainty in the moments immediately following the present. Fear is the body's attempt at prescience--knowing the future through instinct-- and while it is useful in surviving in nature, social constructs often cause the body to misfire on perceived threats.

As a meditation on fear we have thoroughly enjoyed Frank Herbert's Litany Against Fear:

I must not fear.

Fear is the mind-killer.

Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

I will face my fear.

I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.

Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

We often replace the word spirit with character, citing phrases and events like "the spirit of a nation", and "spirit week". The Spirit of Nations was a book published in 1753 by François-Ignace Espiard de la Borde. It examines how a nation's character emerges from the relationship between laws, its physical environment, religion, and political institutions. Similarly, the tradition of spirit week is a hyperbolic display of a school's character. We say all that to say this: we cannot be guided by magic in the science of theology. The divine essence and creative force is already shrouded in uncertainty, why complicate things more? Relying on a concrete definition is to take the scripture literally, which most people do when examining a text, but literal understanding means the reader does in fact understand and is not led astray by missed details in the magic of the text.

Indian Goddess
Indian Goddess

While we do agree with many of the actual observations made by LL Research they also come dangerously close to promoting magical ideas. This may be a result of a focus on the beautiful texts of Indian origin which, from our limited experience, carry a much more magical timbre than Christianity-- acknowledging these tones may be the result of translation. This happens with the Bible too. Just visit your local Pentecostal denomination for a lively, rational display.

To prevent this sort of error, scholars of theology study words from the perspectives of multiple translators. A scholar truly bent on understanding rather than relying on the inherent magic of the text, will become dissatisfied with examining the finished sum of someone else's work and begin deciphering words, phrases then whole passages in the language of origin for themselves. That kind of work is akin to mining and requires tools.

For Biblical studies we turn to online tools like,, and for etymologies Each of these contain at least one version of the Bible in English, multiple concordances and specialized smaller tools to give users the ability to decipher the meaning of passages, names and words on their own terms based on empirical fact-- what they observe through engagement with the text.

We also use Google Translate when we want to check word roots or questionable interpretations--scholars are humans too. The Google Translate machine is especially useful when we place a word in another language and start deleting characters one at a time from either end, paying attention to if/how that changes the English rendering.

A Translated Message
A Translated Message

This week, we will be adding embedded concordance links and translation machines like Google Translate to the resource library on the LSRF page to aide chapters in sourcing multiple versions of their theology of study. We will also begin exploring options to supply physical copies by connecting with local congregations dedicated to each book. This is in line with our intent to use scientific theology at LSRF-- the study of how all things lead to the divine essence, the creative character of all.

If you wish to add to a dedicated fund for physical copies of theological works, please give by clicking the campaign button below.

We look forward to studying with you


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Periphetes was a murderous robber demigod who stalked the road between Athens and Troezen, attacking travelers with a club made of bronze. I came across this ancient Greek story looking for a historical characterization of an event I deduced probably happened at some point-- someone having discovered the ability to melt rocks and extract metal began redicuously terrorizing his neighbors as some sort of wizard, but was really just a lunatic waving about a metal wand. What I found in the literary expression of Periphetes has a lot more to do with open-source technology.

Bronze Statue of Poseidon
Bronze Statue of Poseidon

Network society is almost 60 years old. Over the next 50 years, we’ll see developments that entangle continents and cultures even more, finally establishing the first species-based culture since the etiological events of Babel. In the next 500 years, I predict we will be raising children on the moon, and in a thousand years, I believe socioeconomic divisions will be completely destroyed. But for now, here we are. War is still very real and enemies wave technological accomplishments at one another like early bronze age loons waving bronze sticks, harder than any stone or wood, but infinately limited in their application and artistic expression compared to what is coming. Soon the age would bring sword, shield and spear; helmet and plow and hook.

Periphetes had a bronze club, not just a stick. Such a weapon would have been extremely dangerous to anyone facing him, even with a sword. The weight and density of the metal would have crushed the mightiest of warriors but Periphetes only faced one traveling hero. His favorite prey was the lonely traveler.

Periphetes the Demigod
Periphetes the Demigod

Periphetes probably was also a large being-- a demigod-- who'd probably stolen the bronze and tin or gold necessary to obtain his famed weapon. Through his depraved nature he had more resources than he needed to express his thoughts in the medium. He did not fashion a great sword, axe or trident built a crude tool of brute force. This weapon represents both the power of access to resources (the tin and copper make bronze) and technology (a furnace hot enough to combine them), and overall a lack of enthusiasm for the crafting of tools. What he was enthusiastic about was typical of any demigod-- profit and power.

Periphetes was eventually killed and relieved of his club by Theseus the famed future king of Athens, but until then, people could not move freely between Athens, a name refering to Athena, goddess of wisdom and Troezen a name we suspect refers to sustained (but otherwise plain) life. The myth sees Theseus as a messianic figure, removing obstacles between life and wisdom one-by-one, freeing the people of Greece to live out the legacy we know them for today. Many of his labors, which include defeating the man-eating half bull, half human Minotaur were not done with brute force, but by wit and cunning.

Theseus tricked Periphetes into handing over his club by taunting him, "It's just a piece of shiny wood," he mocked. "Check it out for yourself," said Periphetes and handed it over. Theseus took the weapon and tested it on Periphetes head. Modern society is in a similar situation. Artificial intelligence threatens to destroy job markets while also increasing costs to resources like power and clean water. All the while, we are uncertain of its ultimate value. The Bronze Club of tech oligarchs around the world are glutting billions of dollars worth of investments clearly needed elsewhere in the economy.

Pencil Art
Pencil Art

The bright side is, like Periphetes they have offered us the handle of this new technology. AI companies are competing with releases of free, public versions of their large language model and machine learning softwares. While LLMs are useful as a search engines, content writers, editors and more. With a little wit and cunning the average person can use what seems to be a wooden pencil and use it a tool to solve some of the biggest issues of our age. Imagine creating an open-source program with a free code generator that empowers billions of common users in ways the Bronze Club refuses to. Richard Stallman is a leader in open-source development who maintains that until the common person knows how to operate a computer without their standard Mac or Windows operating system we will never be free. We will always be terrorized by the limitations on personal freedom caused by loons with metal sticks, until we gather the courage and wit to take hold of it ourselves


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