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General News | JCSWM | Lost Sheep | Forge

The Internet isn't just one network. There are at least three distinct expressions of this technology that originated in the United States in 1969. J.C.R. Licklieder, a physiological psychologist who led the engineering team developing the ARPANET, dreamed of an "intergalactic network" that connected all humanity through what he saw not as a computational system but the world's latest and greatest communications medium. While this has happened in a way, the internet also remains distinctly segmented by the social and economic goals for the people employing it. It is also barely an infant in terms of the technology's age.


Most expressions of networking in human society carry the trait of division, arguably an artifact of the etiological events of the Tower of Babel, the Gigantomachy or the tale of Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta which point to ancient geographic dispersions as well as changes in social and economic focus. From language to nation states, humans have learned to function with these divisions, and I speculate they are necessary to keep our species from falling wholly under domineering forces beyond conventional understanding. That said, cooperation is possible and necessary, even in division. With the emergence of network society, we now have tools that are much more powerful than bureaucracy and central authority to compute such collaborative action.

Here at the Network Theory Applied Research Institute we support network society by creating programs and tools we believe will enhance internet-based society for common people. We derive much of our influence for project development from theological and fictional literature. One work in particular gives us a ripe environment for thought experiments on the future of network society. Frank Herbert was raised Catholic and eventually converted to Zen Buddhism, but was also heavily influenced by Islam. In the Dune series, which has recently been resurrection by Canadian filmmaker Denis Villeneuve, the Orange Catholic Bible plays a minor role as a well respected ecumenical document within the Imperium. It's origins span tens of thousands of years prior to the events of the movies and include expressed influences from Islam, Buddhism and Christianity and also lifts nearly whole verses out of the Chinese Tao Te Ching. Its contains such memorable quotes as, "Thou shalt not make a machine in the image of a human mind,", "the meek shall inherit the universe," and "thou shalt not disfigure the soul,".

Festival of Love

What is most interesting about this fictional document is its fictional origin. The Dune series is a lengthy contemplation about the dangers of centralized authorities, especially those political or religious in nature. Yet, the OCB is a work of centralized interreligious dialogue. Bureaucratic dialogue would have been the only method of producing such a document in the mind of someone writing in the 1960s, pre ARPANET, but today, we have the internet, human-based computation and collective intelligence networks. Herbert casually displays prescience with elements of his fictional universe. After the Butlerian Jihad, the humans of the Dune universe began a work of mass value elicitation concerning "the common belief that there exists a Divine Essence in the universe," which culminated in the amalgamated OCB.

Most humans have a belief in divine essence, but are divided in their hypothesis of what/who it is, where it is and it's relationship to us. Recognizing the dawn of network society, we think the human race needs the type of prompting imagined by Herbert to decide how to answer modern global crisis and that the response will largely be a matter of theological responsibility. It is these values that drive us to honor nature over economy. However, corporate and nation state institutions (socialist and democratic) are largely and necessarily atheistic. Most religious leaders are also handicapped in this situation. They rely on patrons for their livelihood and as a result, each sit atop doctrinal mountains formed by laymembers of the faithful. Competition between them is even fiercer than between nation states, albeit less violent, with Christianity alone having more than 40,000 denominations. The paradox of needing to employ centralized leadership to prompt the global masses which is incapable of prompting us in this very particular situation is the reason for the Lost Sheep Research Fellowship.

the Lost Sheep Research Fellowship

The Lost Sheep is a network society for interfaith dialogue, driven by the scientific method. It supports small chapters of participants who study not only their faith, but respond to others using a standardized network protocal for study and expression. The method of study is the close reading method and the method of expression is reciprocal teaching. Both of these are literary interpretation methods used to develop students from middle school into university.

We believe this pattern of node development and expression will produce an open, decentralized network capable of exercising collective intelligence over the length and breath of human theology, philosophy and culture-- a network theology with enough wisdom to speak to the dialect of any human faith. We hypothesize this process will take centuries but once achieved, the network will be capable of cultivating the chaos of human thought universally toward a collective goal. While on the surface this sounds a bit like Herbert's Bene Gesserit, the Lost Sheep employ a mechanism he couldn't dream of.

Collective intelligence within an internet-based network produces a mind that is more responsive and farther seeing than any nation state. National governments use bureaucratic controls to research and develop responses to problems, standardizing the models upon which their solution will be inflicted and obliterating the natural freedoms associated with life. Though they work to an extent, national bureaucratic "sight" is often devastating to those the state does not explicitly plan to see. Collective intelligence on the other hand, requires the distribution of solutions to the public in order that they make their own choice as to its utility. There are nearly as many internet users as there are humans on the planet. Each is a potential node in any collective intelligence network.

Cell phone users
There are 6 billion Mobile Internet Users Globally

Systems like these seem like chaos to a state, which tends naturally toward the interests of its governing figures, but to the driver on a highway, or the user of a language, it is freedom of decision. This is also the bane of profit-seeking institutions who see open-source, freely distributed tools like language as wasted energy. But I argue the energy of ebonics is not lost on African Americans, nor is any other version of pidgin English produced around the world by British colonialism. Despite nearly always existing in the presence of primary and tertiary langauges, pidgin English links the communities using it with a sense of national and indeed international consciousness. What may be said about human-based computation systems like the Lost Sheep Research Fellowship? While they certainly work like language in a way it is hard to predict the future, but we certainly aren't playing around with temporary, profit seeking fixes that amount to band-aids on bullet wounds:

Dune (2021)
Dune (2021)

If you would like to learn more about the Network Theory Applied Research Institute's Lost Sheep Research Fellowship, visit Starting a chapter of Lost Sheep is easy! Just follow the instructions at the link above


To learn more about Collective Intelligence Networks we suggest reading the Collective Intelligence Project's Whitepaper found here

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NTARI was founded initially to support the development of the Fruitful App, an idea proposed to coordinate networks of small farms in urban areas using human-based computation. The project underwent development in 2023 but failed to produce a viable product. Research and development continued at NTARI however, further inspired by the work of Christian theologians like Dr. Tim Mackie and secular authors like Balaji Srinivasan seeking to establish decentralized communities called network states.

The Church is the original network state:

“A network state is a social network with a moral innovation, a sense of national consciousness, a recognized founder, a capacity for collective action, an in-person level of civility, an integrated cryptocurrency, a consensual government limited by a social smart contract, an archipelago of crowdfunded physical territories, a virtual capital, and an on-chain census that proves a large enough population, income, and real-estate footprint to attain a measure of diplomatic recognition”

–Balaji Srinivasan, the Network State

The early Church used the prominent social media network of the time –the primitive postal system– to spread every letter in the New Testament. They had a moral innovation-- the Good News of Jesus reconciliation of man horizontally and vertically. They gained a sense of national consciousness from the circulation of letters and suffering persecution, eventually bound under the term “Christian” in the city of Antioch. Their recognized founder was clearly Jesus of Nazareth, and the earliest capacity for collective action was expressed in fundraising not only to help congregations under persecution, but to send messengers like Paul in the first place. They had an in-person level of civility even when they were at odds. Cryptocurrency wasn't involved, but I've long argued that network states don't need crypto and Mr. Srinivasan was just inspired by his previous success at Coinbase. Their consensual government was the apostles and elders at Jerusalem which for a time was also the quasi-capital. Today, the Church owns a huge amount of real estate and is recognized and respected by all but a handful of nations. 

a Ghost

After recognizing this in 2024, NTARI shifted its mission back toward the Church. What is network theory then? The word "spirit" is a chuchy word that is largely empty in English; meaning everythign from "a ghost" to God himself. Here at NTARI, we like to use the word "character" instead of spirit. Here is why:

"Spirit week" is about a school's character, "the spirit of a nation" is about national character, "indomitable spirit" is about characteristic fortitude. The Holy Spirit is thus the Holy Character. The Bible argues that this Character emanates from YHWH, through Jesus into a network-- a species on Earth. This Character is freely given in exchange for whatever character one may be in the habit of expressing. The network theory then, is that every human will benefit from being a part of this collective expression having rediscovered the defeciency of Character lost in the Etiology of Fruit

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Welcome to the September Summary Report, 2024. This month we rebuilt the website...twice. If you've been paying attention, we hope you've enjoyed each expression. The reason we did this was pure misunderstanding of the reasons we were being rejected for our Google Ad Grant--we're not web developers, but communications experts and sometimes we mess that up too.

Fall Leaves

Volunteer Hours

Special thanks to Mrs. Phillys Koster who out-volunteered me (at least officially) by a solid 6 hours. Ms. Ana Machado also contributed 5 hours and 15 minuets in video production volunteering, obrigado Ana! In total we volunteered 31 hours, 49 minuets and 10 seconds this month. That said, the time tracker was not built until the 24th. Let's see what we can do next month! If you would like to volunteer with us visit to find a task you would like to complete.

New Tasks By Sector

Sector 1 Forge Lab

Forge Lab aspires to publish all projects to the standards established by the Digital Public Goods Alliance. However, we'd like public input on this standard and others as possibilities for publishing.

Once this standard is decided, we will begin posting code for outstanding projects:

Leveson-Based Trade Assessment Scale

SOHO Skills Authorization System

Mycelium Blockchain Trade System

The Fruitful App

Remember to establish an account and track all time spent on this issue at

Sector 2 JCSWM

No New Posts

Sector 3 Read Media School

Read Media School requires thorough vetting and accountability policies for mentors as well as a code of conduct policy for students and mentors.

The intent of RMS is to teach media literacy using open-source resources on the internet across every digitized format--text, photo, video, audio, coding, augmented reality and virtual reality.

Sector 4 NTARI Mesh

Mesh engineers are vetted by NTARI to be presented to communities in search of network developers. We currently need to perfect the process of identifying, vetting and pairing engineers.

  • Assess background check costs by identifying a plan that allows pay-per-view background checks

  • Assess the cost of reviewing and verifying resumes and CVs

  • Assess and establish documentation requirements for resume, CV and background checks

Please establish an account and track time 

Process for vetting network engineers

  1. Process for pairing communities and engineers

  2. Resources for financing/ funding community-owned networks

  3. Other suggestions

Volunteer your time and receive a thank you letter from NTARI. Track your volunteering time using

Sector 5 Lost Sheep Research Fellowship

No New Posts

Sector 6 Mass Production Net

Accessibility Sep 30, 2024

We need strong support for accessibility programming at with an accompanying policy statement.

Please remember to establish an account and track your time at

We need a strong set of terms and conditions and privacy policy for and its programs.

Please remember to create an account and track your time using 

We'd like to distribute our podcasts (NTARI Podcast and Lost Sheep Research Fellowship) to every possible platform. Currently on Spotify, Castbox and Amazon Music. Had trouble with Apple.


  • Apple Podcasts

  • Goodpods

  • iHeartRadio

  • Overcast

  • Pocket Cast

  • Radio Public

  • Soundcloud

  • Sticher

  • Google Podcasts

  • Open to other suggestions


Lost Sheep RSS Feed

Sector 7 Etymo

No New Posts

Fund Raising

To date we've raised $2,010.89 of the $1.22 million we need to operate at full capacity. $643.89 of that came in this month. If you would like to help fundraise for NTARI, we are members of the PayPal Giving Fund and discoverable on GoFundMe's organization page. Another great way is simply sharing on social media.

Upcoming Events

October 7th, 2024 Quarterly Board Meeting

7pm To join the video meeting, click this link:

Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 657-221-6911 and enter this PIN: 650 431 784#

To view more phone numbers, click this link:

Code Review Leveson Trade Assessment Scale

Sat, Oct 06 1:00 pm EST

Online Review with Calvin Seacrest

Forge Lab volunteers will discuss the LTAS system, a component of the Agrinet Project

Other News

We are in need of an additional board member after Mr. Rashod Jones left the board unexpectedly in July. If you are interested, please email


My biggest revelation this month was that the website must be built as a mass production network. Mass production networks are a type of social media system built with the intent that user interactions produce a tangible effect. I wrote an article about this you can read here. To do this wasn't very challenging, but took some rethinking about the tools provided by the WIX platform.

After the experience I think we'll have to migrate away from WIX in the future to gain more control of the site as a platform. I look forward to working with all of you to do that. If you visit our projects page you'll see a bit about the culture we're trying to propagate. I hope that NTARI can help us get there. This has been your September Summary Report 2024. Thanks for reading


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